Thursday, 25 November 2010

The second half coming on...

This is the second half with the windows, the wall frames, aesthetic
roof and the door handles etc. on

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Second half

We have it in its position to be moved, on concrete blocks which are on top
of some deep wholes that have been filled with cement

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Next step...

This is the first half of the Home with it's foundations.
It was rolled into place last thursday being toed by a 4x4.

Friday, 10 September 2010

next step...

All we have done next, is put the door and windows in which can be seen
on the right-hand side of the house and put plasterboards on the ceiling
and finally put the A-frame back in which we took out temporarily.
We will be actually moving the house on Thursday or Friday.

Sunday, 29 August 2010


Next... we had to put the aesthetic roof on.

We used a light-weight sleight affect sheet for the log cabin look.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Next step was to put the cladding on.
We sprayed the wood with preserver to protect it from the weather.
Then we screwed it into the insulation panels starting from the bottom
to the top.

Next we had to put up the roof.
We used a similar material to the insulation panels but made for roofs.
And so far we have put up the roof for the first half.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Photo's of the first half of the construction so far...

This was our original base for the first half of the construction put we decided that we had some much better and stronger materials to use

We created the new base out of some very strong ''I' beams which went
went around the perimeter of the base and through the middle as
strengthening beams.
We then put on some steel and foam insulation panels which
are very strong but very light as we want to keep the design as light
as possible in order for it to be mobile.

The walls are made of the same insulations panels as the ones
that are on the floor of the home.
We have left holes for doors and windows etc.
We then used the same ''I'' beams use in the base, as ceiling beams.
We then put our walls in as suited to our design.
We used thing lengths of wood and chipboard.
Once we had put up all of the beams we put a tempery
floor on to do work up above.
The beams are held on by joist hangers, we also used
metal strapping to make it even stronger.
It is screwed into the beams and riveted into the panels.
Next we had the job of putting up and ''A'' frame to support the
beam which will support the roof.
We got it into position by laying it on top of the beams and screwing it
down with a hinge on it.
We then pulled it up and secured it properly.
We then put ip a second ''A'' frame and put the second support beam

For the wheels we had some very strong metal pipe with wheels
either side bolted on.
The wheels

The materials that we used.
French windows (much cheaper to hire a van and go to france
and buy them than to get them from England)

Our design or cladding it.
The first half of our mobile home so far...